SSSGP 3rd: Quarterfinals B [SS-12]
The 2nd bracket of the tournament starts in this video as the popular Chiharu Nakai (grey) faces half Japanese, half Dutch Meisa Kurokawa (red). A small pre-match interview precedes the entrance of both ladies in the ring.
The usual Test of Strength is the first thing that happens in the match, as both girls vie for control. Chiharu proves to be stronger and takes down Meisa to lock a Chinlock. Meisa targets Chiharu's hair to break the hold, but Chiharu punishes her for trying to bend the rules with an expertly applied Cross Armbar. Meisa finally escapes and tries to score a quick win with a Suplex and a pinfall, but it's not enough, and she finds herself in an Argentinian Backbreaker in the center of the ring.
Chiharu's submission work on Meisa continues with a Boston Crab, but not for long as Meisa counters back and applies a Figure 4 Headscissors. From this moment, both wrestlers put aside the submissions to focus on throws and stretches, including some with some rope support, taking advantage of the lack of a referee. A potent finisher perfectly sets one girl for an unavoidable 3-count pin.
Next, Aya Sakuraba (red) takes on Aika Ando (blue) with rather unusual sportsmanlike behaviour as the latest offers a friendly handshake to the first before the match. However, the match starts and Aya delivers a knee kick to Aika's belly within the first seconds, then hits her several times when on the floor and connects a Figure 4 Headscissors. Aika gets free and locks Aya's legs to pay her 'kindness' back with a Chinlock. Aya reaches the ropes, and remarkably, Aika releases the hold.
Back in the center of the ring, Aika bodyslams Aya and applies a Figure 4 Leglock. Aika shows her amusement while Aya screams in pain; her attempts to reach the rope are effortless as Aika drives her back away from them. It does not look like Aya will tap, so Aika breaks the hold and keeps aiming for that goal with a Boston Crab, bending her opponent more and more. A modified Mexican Ceiling maintains the pain streak on Aya, and an Argentinian Backbreaker extends it.
Frustrated by her resistance, Aika dishes out a Powerslam and uses a back-mounted Sleeper to soften even more Aya. An Octopus Hold fills the venue with more screams of pain from Aya, but still no submission. Aika seems determined to get one from Aya, but she has endured a lot already, and it does not look like she can. A devastating finisher gives one beauty a valuable win.