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Tag Match Female Pro-Wrestling Vol.2 [SJT-02]

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Tag Match Female Pro-Wrestling Vol.2 [SJT-02]


The 2nd volume of the series presents a babyface team formed by Miku Hayasaki (blue) and Ayumi Nishizawa (red) facing the heel team, represented by the mature Kana Kitano and the muscled Mirai Urata (both in black).

A small interview with both teams precedes their way into the ring, and we are set to start. A somehow disrespectful handshake kicks off the match, with Mirai and Ayumi engaging in a Test of Strength. Mirau pushes Ayumi against the turnbuckles and the heel team starts cheating with a sneaky double attack and the use of a chain. Miku comes to Ayumi's rescue twice and she tags to clear the ring.

The babyface team likes the idea of double-teaming, and so it does. However, the heel team is not just heel because of the name, and they quickly overpower their peers as a kendo stick also takes part in the match. The heel team keeps their dominance, and a Figure 4 Headscissors leads to a knockout ending for the first fall.

The second fall starts as bad as the first one for the babyfaces, with Kana locking an Abdominal Stretch on Ayumi. The double-teaming continues, especially from the heel side, and the babyfaces almost lose the match with a tight Figure 4 Leglock from Mirai that has Ayumi on the verge of submission. With Miku out of the picture due to a nasty attack, dominance becomes even more humiliating.

Is the babyface team doomed, or can they turn the tables around and get a victory?

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